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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

NaNoWriMo: The ritual for us all.

What is this NaNoWriMo? Well if you're asking that, you're either not a dedicated writer, or you've been hiding under Jabba the Hutt's folds.
The abbreviation stands for National Novel Writing Month. Something I've known about for the last two years, and not once coming close to the 50,000 mark. Why? Because my writing isn't evolved enough, and I'm not stressing it to evolve to soon either. You can never outgrow writing, so I'll take my time.

Besides, it is now the 6th, and I don't have 1,000 words yet. But I do suppose that NaNoWriMo isn't about reaching the mark, and having complete garbage; it's about getting something down so you can work at it. Which I'm going to take my time with. I know one particular writer who got a entire book out thanks to NNWM, and now this time, she's rewriting the first book although she's in the midst of writing the second. I however, am not a novelist. Maybe I have a good solid novella in me, but a novel? Please. I am a short story(ist?) writer, and I believe that my first syndicated published work will be a collection of intertwined short stories. Which is exactly my focus of this NNWM. Like my soon to be publishing house, (in seven or eight, or fifth teen years) it'll be called Catatonic Reading. It will be a 'collection' of sorts of intertwined stories.

Since my task is to get out ten stories, I'll write down the first few, minus a synopsis, because I've been advised not to do so.

- Yearbook
- Big Brother
- Author
- Matriarch


I have a lot of interesting ideas floating about, and the flaw with having ideas run amok in your brain is the fact that they are all so great in your view, you want to pound them all into one great story. But that usually ends up in your trashcan the next day.

I've been working on not letting my first few ideas get the best of me, and right now I'm juggling whether or not to have two stories Protagonist and Antagonist included, as they seem to be very good ideas. Protagonist handling the families difficulties after the lost of an loved one, and Antagonist revolving around the growing insanity of the killer, who's going crazy with guilt.

Don't get me wrong, these stories will have a mix of fantasy [unlikely though], drama, humor, horror, and suspense. But can I do it? Well I need support, and maybe even a mentor of sorts.

Remember to feel free to drop a line anytime on my blog,
and stay breezy.

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