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Monday, November 5, 2007

The Top 5ive: News Stories for the Water Cooler

New to the Top 5ive?

Well if you are, know these few things:

Only number 5 of the Top 5ive will have a synopsis for right now; and the rest will only have my 'Two Cents' and you'll just have to look them up.

* 5. ORPAH Winfrey's South African school involved in sexual abuse scandal

Little Known Fact- Oprah's name, on her birth certificate, is Orpah; sister of Ruth, daughter of Moabite king Eglon.

Anyway, back to the short synopsis in my words:

Oprah's school in South Africa was created to protect and educate South African girls from the regular dangers that are all to familiar in their surrounding land. Now, a woman who worked for the big 'O' known as 'Tiny' has been accused of physical and sexual assault. Oprah has recently spoken about this during a press conference which you can surely find on CNN.com that she's shocked and appalled [not her actual words]. And has visited the girls and asked them to speak out and vent to her about the recent goings on.

My Two Cents

New to the Top 5ive?


Something Shady is going on in the Motherland. And with Oprah having had a bad childhood dealing with abuse, doesn't it seem strange that something like this is just coming to life? Why hasn't she been down there lately? Neglecting her chores is she not? I have respect for The Big O, but as my friend Jamie said earlier, money corrupts people, so is there a chance Opera has known about this sooner than the media has? Money is the root of all evil, anything can happen.

# 4.Hollywood Screen Writers Guild declares strike.

I have very little to say: All you aspiring screen play-ists, screw the union and send your script in now.

#3. Maryland Teen busted during meeting for 'hit' on parents

We've all been through that 'OMG, I effin' hate my parents...lol, I wish they would die' phase. But this guy has taken it to a new level. First we loss the privilege of saying what teacher needs to die in the bathroom stalls, and now we can't even talk trash about our parents without a federal case being dropped on us? This demented kid actually consulted a hit-woman. Wow. Someone needs an asswhoopin. Let this be a lesson to you parents: Listen to what your kids are saying while their storming upstairs after you've 'ruined their life'.

#2. Barack Obama wins over Republicans & makes SNL appearance

I'm not to savy in politics, but he was surprisingly mediocre-ly funny on SNL, though I prefer MADTV.

# 1. Exploding comet visible to the naked eye

Uh...Google is your friend. This just seemed interesting to me.

For any information on any of the stories in my Top 5ive, you have fingers, so type in google.com It's your friend.

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